Vermont Quilt Festival 2018

I had the pleasure of attending the Vermont Quilt Festival held on June 22-24 this year.  It was an honor to see two customer quilts hung with pride.

The first quilt is a variation of the rail fence pieced by Cathy Harless.  I really like the red and tan color theme Cathy chose.  On this quilt I used a panto of a Narcissus, very compactly stitched with a neutral Onmi thread.  Sorry I did not get a close up shot but here is the full photo:


Next is an amazing appliqué quilt by Anne Messier.  I love the gold tones and the scrappy appliqués is so perfect.  Anne even appliquéd that brick red V-type outside border on instead of piecing it.   This quilt was custom quilted in simple leafy vines in a gold Omni thread to blend.  It is not overdone so Anne's appliqué shines.  Anne certainly deserves that red ribbon attached to the quilt.  




